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Talks, workshops and seminars hosted by experts for authors.

We have an agenda packed full of sessions for authors to enjoy. Whether hosted by the Troubador Publishing team or external experts from all areas of the publishing world, all will be full of useful information, tips, advice and ideas for authors to take away with them and guide them forward on their publishing journey.




College Court


Leicester, UK

  • Keynote


    1. Coming soon!

      Coming soon!

  • Plenary


    1. Coming soon!

      Coming soon!

  • Full Agenda

    1. Arrival and Registration


    2. Welcome to the Self-Publishing Conference 2024


      1. Introduction and Briefing

        Introduction and Briefing

        We will kick off the day with a welcome, health and safety briefing and summary of what authors can expect over the course of the day.

    3. Troubador Publishing Masterclasses


      1. Production 101: From Cover Design to Printing

        Production 101: From Cover Design to Printing

        From manuscript preparation to text design, and front covers to back covers and spines, we will take you through all aspects of book production, highlighting everything you need to consider, whether you are going it alone or working with a publisher. This session will also consider print methods and options available to you, and how you can use the production process to create the most professional product possible.

      2. or
        Creating and Promoting Your Digital Book

        Creating and Promoting Your Digital Book

        From ebooks to audiobooks, the world of digital publishing has its challenges and things that authors need to know. Our Digital team will be hosting this session to help authors with what they need to know about publishing digitally, as well as how to get ahead of the vast amount of competition and make your book stand out in the market. 

      3. or
        How to Get Your Book into Bookshops

        How to Get Your Book into Bookshops

        Members of Troubador’s Marketing department will talk you through how to give your book the best possible chance of being selected for sale by a bookshop. This is one of the main challenges faced by authors, but many things can be done to maximise the chance of bookshop sales. The session will cover the importance of correct bibliographic data, to how bookshops decide which books they will sell and what to do – and, maybe more importantly, not to do – when approaching a bookshop about stocking your book.

    4. Coffee Break and Networking


    5. Industry Expert Seminars


      1. Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

      2. or
        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

      3. or
        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

    6. Keynote


      1. Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

    7. Lunch, Networking and Book Signing


    8. Plenary


      1. Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

    9. Writer Workshops


      1. Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

      2. or
        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

      3. or
        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

        Coming soon!

    10. Coffee Break and Networking


    11. Your Next Steps


      1. Your Next Steps in Self-Publishing
        Your Next Steps in Self-Publishing

        Your Next Steps in Self-Publishing

        Alex Thompson

        Managing Director

        In this session, Alex will discuss the various options available to authors looking to publish their work through Troubador and its various imprints. From self-publishing with Troubador, partnership and traditional publishing with the Book Guild, to individual publishing services through, Troubador is dedicated to helping authors publish quality books by whatever route.

    12. Drinks Reception and Networking


    Thinking of Attending the Self-Publishing Conference?

    Join other authors and publishing experts to discover more about the world of self-publishing.